I finally answer the BIG question in the Extreme Hauntings series--will Kaylee and Davey hook up?
Find out here, at Talechasing, where I'm guest blogging today:
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We stood together and I asked, "Why didn't you tell me about Grandma?"
"Oh sweetheart," she sighed. "I wanted to protect you from Mercy and I wanted you to have a normal life for as long as you could. It's part of our training, to understand grief. You don't know how badly I wanted to tell you. I knew how much pain you felt. I went through the same thing when my father died."
"Is Grandpa here?"
Grandma said sadly, "No honey, only we women continue on here. Our husbands are mortals. "
This was a lot to consider but a huge moonbeam lit the castle and we were surrounded by rainbows. Awe filled everyone's expression.
Mom said softly, "Time to finish the ceremony."
My smile fell. "Do you really have to cut my heart out?"
Grandma chuckled, "Of course not, silly. You love me. You could never have loved Merciless, therefore, she had to steal your heart."
"Come along, Julie." Mom held her hand out.
Grandma sat on the throne and Mom picked up the crown. She handed it to me and when my fingers touched the golden metal, the jewels pulsed with my heart. I glanced at Mom in surprise.
"The youngest must crown the next in line. Only your heart can decide whether or not Nona has learned and earned her rightful place as Queen."
Grandma smiled and bowed to let me place the crown on her head. When I did, the missing heart in the center pulled in the moonbeam rainbows and filled the gap. The colors hardened and became a ruby of the deepest red.
She straightened and grinned as all of use cheered.
Mom wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I said, "I want to stay here forever, Mom. I don't want to go back home."
Grandma said, "You have to return to train. Each year now, you'll take over mastering the directions and have a long and loving life with your family."
"It's our destiny," Mom said. "And you've already the strongest we've ever seen."
That made me wonder. "Where's Great-grandma, then?"
"When I passed," Grandma said, "My mother went on to the next dimension. Her time here prepared her to move on. And so it will be with your mother, and with you, and with your daughter."
Inti interrupted. "Thank you, all of you, for returning the children of my village to us. They have spoken of the Queen keeping them warm and safe."
Queen Nona said, "It was the least I could do for all your help, Inti. You are a fine warrior and I'll order your return swiftly to spare the children further hardship."
"Can we go with them, Mom?" I asked, eager to see those ladies hug their children again.
"No, I'm afraid your dad is likely terrified we've both disappeared for good. We need to go back, and quickly. Especially before he can sell the house."
"We're not selling grandmother's house?" I asked elated.
She shook her head. "No. Your father wanted to, but destiny strangely made it so we can live there forever."
I grinned. "Strangely."
She hugged me and I closed my eyes. A chill wind made me shiver and I felt the world slide sideways. Mom said, "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you."
When I opened my eyes, we were back at the graveyard beneath a full moon, standing beside Grandma's grave. Surprised, I regretted not giving Grandma one last hug and kiss goodbye, but I figured I'd see her soon anyway. Right now I wanted to know what Mom forgot to tell me. "What?"
"You're going to have a new baby sister."
While I smiled, something deep inside me turned icy. In the back of my mind, I heard Mercy's evil cackle.
The End
Thank you for reading Letter's to the Fifth Direction!
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Episode #7: To Grandma's Castle We Go
by Bella Vida and J.R. Turner
When last we saw Julie, Inti stood in the snow, surrounded by snarling wolves...
Inti's men commanded their horses into defensive positions. The wolves bared massive canine teeth, yellow eyes glowing as they snarled and growled. Heads slung low, the six slunk toward Inti. The warriors raised their weapons and I gripped my spear.
A loud howl broke the silence, followed by another and another. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled and I did my best not to scream, to be brave and not show fear as I turned and looked back. A dozen more wolves stood in the snow behind us. These weren't the beautiful beasts at the zoo back home, but fearsome creatures with snapping jaws.
Two warriors blocked the wolves from the front, giving Inti time to jump on his horse. Digel barked madly at first, then leapt onto my horse, startling the big animal. I crouched low over him, wrapping my free arm around his warm tummy.
A wolf leapt and bit a meaty chunk out of the nearest warrior's leg. I threw my spear and it pierced the wolf's side, but the scent of blood brought its brothers on us. They attacked horses and warrior alike.
Inti yelled, "Move!" and slapped the back of my horse.
I held tight to Digel and the reins, flanked by a man and a woman warrior, as my horse raced far into the forest, into the darkness.
We rode for hours until the sun sank just below the tops of the trees. Exhausted and thirsty, to my relief, the guards halted us when we came on a small stream. We let the horses drink while Digel and I shared apples and bread from my messenger bag.
"How far away is Crystal Castle?" I asked.
He didn't understand but from his hand gestures I guessed we were supposed to wait for the others to join us. Side by side, Digel and I drank from the shallow stream. I hoped Inti and the others were okay and kept glancing back to where we had come out of the forest, hoping for sign of them.
Digel brought me a stick and I smiled. "Want to play?"
He yipped and wagged his tail. Always trying to cheer me up, I thought and threw the stick. He brought it right back and we did this until a cry from the air startled me. After the Wiramen, I'm not a huge fan of birds.
The lady warrior whistled to a hawk, who called back. The exchange went on for another few seconds and I watched amazed. Then both warriors gestured for me to get back on my horse. I wanted to protest, to say we had to wait for Inti, but from their worried faces, I decided not to try. One of these days I would teach them my language or learn theirs, this lack of communication sucked.
At the end of the forest, glowing green hills lead into a valley and beyond that, the towers and spires of a castle rose to the clouds.
"It's Crystal Castle!" I yelled with excitement and pointed.
Their eyes widened with horror.
My shout gave us away. I covered my mouth, "Oh no."
A shriek carried from the forest on a gust of wind.
"What was that?" I whispered.The horses nickered and whinnied, uneasily clomping in the shallow water. From the blackness between the trees, a shadow moved. A mad scream hurt my ears as a wailing face flew at me. I ducked so low, I slid off my horse. The shadow looped back, screaming horridly and I ran, icy water soaking my boots. Ahead more shadows lurked in the trees, their faces pale and filled with soulless agony.
The male warrior halted my headlong dash. Digel went by, barking at the shadow until it returned to the forest. He growled low and though they moved from trunk to trunk, they didn't come back out again.
The lady warrior whistled again and a white owl flew out of the pines. She secured a note to its leg and set the big bird off again. I watched it go, shocked to see the beautiful white feathers turn into the leathery large wings of a bat as it headed for Crystal Castle.
"We are almost there," Inti said behind me.
"Inti!" I spun and returned his happy smile. We were reunited again, his men behind him. "The castle is just down this path. Are you ready?"
"Yes," I said happily and mounted my horse. Together we all rode, Digel trotting eagerly beside us. Just as the sun began to set, we reached the dazzling Crystal Castle lit by thousands of golden rays.
Ecstatic, I hurried off my horse and burst through the outer wooden doors. "Grandma! Grandma! I'm here!"
The wide foyer had the shiniest floors I've ever seen. Two large doors stood on opposite sides of a wide staircase. I ran up the stairs as fast I could. The second floor lay open to the cold air, no walls, just large archways and columns. Across the black and white tiles, a golden jeweled throne sat high above an ornate altar where a sparkling crown rested on velvet. "Grandma!" I shouted with delight.
She stood, young and beautiful, wearing wonderful robes. At the altar, she said, "Darling, you made it. Just in time. The ceremony begins tonight. The stars and planets are aligned. Julie, you came through for me."
I raced to her, Digel barking loudly behind me. My grandma, alive and here! My heart burst with joy.
From the columns, two crystal soldiers broke away, and stopped me from reaching her by crossing their pikes to bar my path.
"Grandma? What's…what is this?"
She gestured to the crown and I peered past the crystal soldiers. All the jewels in the crown glittered atop its pink velvet pillow, except for one. The largest one, at the center of the uppermost point was missing. I remembered the Shaman and what he said about how the ceremony couldn't begin without the stone.
"You see, darling," Grandma smiled. "The crown must be complete before we can begin. We need the ruby heart."
She gave me such a look, my pulse pounded. "But Grandma, I didn't know I was supposed to bring it to you."
"You have brought it to me. You had it all along." She laughed, but it wasn't my Nona's laugh at all. A horrible and strange cackle I recognized from the awful face made of herbs back at Inti's village. "All we have to do is slice open your chest and cut out your heart."
"No!" I yelled.
Digel barked furiously as Mercy, the jealous hag who wanted to destroy my beautiful Nona and now me, shed the skin of my grandma and revealed her true self.
Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion of Letters to the 5th Direction!
Okay folks, it's time to understand sentence constructions. We often get tied into a patter of two or three of our favorites, maybe offering up something different now and again when the green squiggle of grammar grumpiness shows up.
I learned 20 different sentence patterns and how to combine them in 10 different ways from a great book I highly recommend: The Art of Styling Sentences by K.D. Sullivan
The most common sentence constructions I've seen in fiction writing are:
Jimmy walked to the store. (Simple)
Walking to the store, Jimmy whistled. (Beginning with a gerund)
Jimmy, while whistling, walked to the store. (Parenthetical asides.)
Those three can become monotonous and beginning with a gerund is a construction that should be used as sparingly as possible as it lends itself well to telling, rather than showing. So today, we're gonna learn about prepositional phrases!! Ooo goody!:) No, really, this will be fun, if you don't let the grammar grumpies ruin the experience.
Just remember, PRE-positions. That's it, not hard at all, right?
So here are the rules:
The "pre" means it comes before the object. It's always got a buddy with it because it has to show the relationship between the word it modifies and itself:
All through the house, not a creature stirred.
So the prepositional phrase here: all through the house—modifies where its buddy, the creatures, didn't stir. Where didn't they stir? In the house of course!
Let's try another:
All across the country, Joe is an excellent mechanic.
Hmm… Something seems odd with that one, doesn't it?
Sure, maybe Joe is a traveling mechanic, but the sentence doesn't seem to match. This PREposition isn't really Joe's buddy. Now, if we make them buddies, see what happens:
Despite missing three fingers on his left hand, Joe is an excellent mechanic.
Now we've got a relationship going! The relationship between the PREpositional phrase and Joe here is obvious: Joe is overcoming a difficulty to meet and exceed the demands of his career.
So give it a whirl, begin a sentence with a prepositional phrase and share it in the comments. This is a great construction to switch starting a sentence with a gerund. After all, every solid writer needs a strong toolbox!
Tonight Echelon Press is holding an open chat for the public:
Title: Hot Seat with Publisher
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This is a great opportunity for everyone to get the chance to talk about how the industry works, what Echelon is like and basically ask anything you've been wondering about the process of publishing and a career in writing.
Hope to see you all there!