Working on getting back to normal is like practicing a diet—it's really a matter of just doing the work. I'm committing myself to at least a few hours every morning dedicated to computer-related work. The best part—the most fun part—is keeping my blog updated.
Today, I find myself excited about my Facebook ad campaign. I'm not a genius when it comes to this sort of thing. I've been marketing since before I sold my first novel, but have always found it difficult to promote myself. I love this Facebook option because I don't have to seek permission to spread the word about my Extreme Hauntings series—it just happens.
How well is it working? Well, as I said, I'm no genius when it comes to this stuff, but on day 2 of my campaign—targeted to Kindle and fiction readers in English-speaking countries:
After 2 days, my ad has had 80K impressions.
Original website hit counter: 12,452
2 days later: 12, 523
Original Kindle Rank for DFF: Dead Friends Forever: 331, 696
2 days later: 27,090
But even better, School's Out 4-Ever has enjoyed some effect:
Original Kindle Rank: 340, 565
2 days later: 27, 074
This may all mean nothing as I can't directly link the impressions to the sell-through at Amazon, yet even though I'm not a wiz at this sort of thing, I'm smiling this morning :) and that's pretty cool.
I hope y'all have a bunch of smiles today, too!