Coming soon from Echelon Press
Ever wonder what went on between Sara Stark and Drake Knight when she was younger? Now you can find out. This longish short story will be available as an Echelon Download in the very near future. I'll be back with exact dates when I get them ;)
Coming in November 2006
Ever wonder what happened to Sara and Drake after Stark Knight? Well, you'll soon be able to find out! I'm deep into this book right now and the ride is thrilling! For a taste of what's to come, you can check out the unrevised first chapter here:
For all you patient folks out there, yes, there will be a newsletter coming soon! I'm putting together the first issue--due out around the 1st of the year. Anyone who signs up will be entered to win one of a few prizes--at least two winners for this contest ;) The first will be a free copy of "The Knight Before" and the second will be a great pair of fingerless gloves knitted by moi, from the pattern by Susan H. Aguirre: (Oh! And you knitters out there, don't forget to check out her way awesome stitch markers: )
Here's a cool photo of what they look like:

I'll offer the winner a choice of a few different colors :) You can sign up for my newsletter through here:
Of course I'm busy with a lot more, but these are the most "current events" going on in my writing world today ;)